nCASE Goals

Training Goals

  • To increase the number of students seeking STEM careers and to improve student achievement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses.
  • To impact the instruction process by including: content knowledge, inquiry- and design-based teaching skill sets and research opportunities supported by communication and new technological support systems.
  • To provide a 21st-century vision within a diverse, student-centered classroom, including administrative oversight and support services, to select teachers using the expertise and experience of practicing STEM professionals.
  • To positively affect the economic growth of the community by elevating the science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and critical thinking skills of students to enable them to become stronger members of the global workforce.

Training Benefits to Teachers

  • State-of-the-art training team consisting of highly regarded national experts on MWM, I&D and STEM.
  • Training on the latest instructional technologies and materials; many will be FREE for classroom use.
  • Formation of lesson plans for project implementation in the classroom.
  • Collaborative teaching techniques, including integrating industry-based engineers and scientists into the classroom.
  • Support services, including in-service training delivered on site, electronically and via an ongoing help desk.